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Launch of the new Registry of Medical Devices - 1%

4.05.2015 14:20:59 Lucie Šustková
State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL), the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) and the Coordination Centre for Departmental Medical Information Systems (KSRZIS) inform the public about the launch of the public Registry of Medical Devices (RZPRO).

Foreign Medicines Agencies - 1%

19.11.2007 12:23:03 vrana

Application for approval to import a medicinal product from a third country - 1%

2.11.2022 15:14:08 Antonín Faukner
The distributor has a legal obligation to import a non-authorised medicinal product from a third country, based on the prescription of this product by a physician, only after the approval of the State Institute for Drug Control.

Application Form for Approval of Placing a Foreign-Language Batch of Medicinal Product on the Market - 1%

1.11.2022 09:00:00 Antonín Faukner
An electronic form is used to submit an application to enable the introduction of individual batches of a medicinal products on the market when the packaging information is in a language other than Czech.
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